And away we go!

For anyone still listening… The domain name will be staying the same ( but it won’t be hosted on WordPress as of next month. I don’t have the foggiest idea if I’ll ever resurrect the blogging habit, but if I do it won’t be on the WordPress reader anymore. There’s no big reason for all…

For the kind person who asked…

I was given a new mug (I LOVE a good mug) for a weekend of dog-sitting: It has become an undeniable fact that knitting does indeed keep me from unravelling, which is a very good thing because the current state of the world could quite easily lead to a fair bit of coming apart at…

What to do instead of hitting people really hard in the face.

I have always found it easier to shrug off injustices, slights and even actual harms, if they happen to me, rather than to others. I realised long ago that this is down to having been raised a girl in the 70’s and 80’s and having been raised in a wishy-washy yet all-pervading religiocity. My nature…

Spring has sprung (for now at least)

The past few days/weeks have been a strange mix of up’s, down’s and seemingly twisting on the spots’s. They included being 100% on the side of the fuel protesters who were blockading depots to highlight climate change, then getting frustrated with those same protesters whose actions meant one of us was stuck 160 miles away…

Well THAT took longer than expected…

Hi again, long time no see… Sometime around mid-January I decided to take an internet break. Just a couple of days to unplug and destress from emails, newsletters, shopping, doomscrolling and accidentally seeing crappy happenings from people who should know better as they forwarded misinformation and bile. That somehow became a week. A week I…

The Week That Was (17/01/22)

Monday: I spent today binge-watching a Netflix series on pop music (I don’t pay for Netflix myself and after their recent diabolical treatment of their Trans staff I won’t be in the future either) and arranging for Vodafone to recycle my old iPad. I was really trying to get it recycled through Apple but they…

Well That Was A Nice Break

Hello. (If you can please imagine The Terminator walking through the door, with a bag of shopping in his hands, saying “I’m back” at this point, I’d appreciate it). I am not the biggest fan of the holiday season. Socialising with people you haven’t seen for a year (or two in this case), culturally mandated…

The Week That Was (13/12/21)

NOTE: For reasons that will quickly become clear I want to reassure people that there will be NO photos or descriptions of injuries in this post. Monday: I sold some Etsy stuff to a repeat customer today. I think that is probably a milestone of some sort. At 9:30pm this evening I found myself walking…

The Week That Was (06/12/21)

Monday: I sold knitted boobs to someone in America, gloves to someone in Somerset and walked in the rain to dog-sit for a few episodes of bad hospital drama telly. Then I came home and knitted half of the Sun for a solar system pillow that may end up taking over my life (which is…

The Week That Was (29/11/21)

Monday: There was no dog-sitting today as The Kid decided that Zoom is actually an acceptable alternative to -3° weather and I made the monumental decision to not buy any more wool, yarn or even attractive string until I have worked through at least…some…of my stash. Tuesday: The snow and ice have melted enough for…